Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | document OCR: Troubleshooting the Manual Transmission and Transfer Case Problem Cause Solution Transmission shifts hard · Clutch adjustment incorrect . Adjust clutch · Clutch linkage or cable binding . Lubricate or repair as necessary · Shift rail binding . Check for mispositioned selector arm roll pin, loose cover bolts, worn shift rail bores, worn shift rail, distorted oil seal, or exten- sion housing not aligned with case. Repair as necessary. . Internal bind in transmission . Remove, dissemble and inspect caused by shift forks, selector transmission. Replace worn or plates, or synchronizer assem- damaged components as nec- blies essary. . Clutch housing misalignment . Check runout at rear face of clutch housing · Incorrect lubricant . Drain and refill transmission . Block rings and/or cone seats . Blocking ring to gear clutch tooth worn face clearance must be 0.030 inch or greater. If clearance is correct it may still be necessary to inspect blocking rings and cone seats for excessive wear. Repair as necessary. Gear clash when shifting from one · Clutch adjustment incorrect · Adjust clutch gear to another · Clutch linkage or cable binding · Lubricate or repair as necessary . Clutch housing misalignment . Check runout at rear of clutch housing . Lubricant level low or incorrect . Drain and refill transmission and lubricant check for lubricant leaks if level was low. Repair as necessary. · Gearshift components, or . Remove, disassemble and inspect synchronizer assemblies wom transmission. Replace wor or or damaged damaged components as necessary.